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Normality Plus

Normality Pus is an organisation focused on providing Personal Care, Social and Community Support and Domestic duties for people with a disability and aged.

We are focused on and specialize in these three areas of support.

Our Team



Hello, I am the Founder, Owner and Director of Normality Plus Pty Ltd, a dedicated disability care organisation.

Our mission is to help individuals with disabilities to maximise and add to their normality in their lives. We believe that every person, regardless of their disability has the right to participate fully in society, and we strive to make this a reality through our services.

I chose the name Normality Plus to reflect that everyone is different and what is normal for one individual is not the same normality for another. Having a significant physical disability myself, I have a unique lived understanding of the basic needs of those with a disability. I also completely understand that what is normal for one person is completely different to another, therefore it is the individual's own normality that we focus on this.


Lee Anne

I have had experience in running businesses in the service industry sector, and have recently been working as a carer. I also have a family members that have disabilities and can understand the frustrations that many with a disability can have. 

I will ensure that we have a service that is focused on client outcomes by building a team that is dedicated to ensuring that the philosophies of this organisation are adhered to.


The advisory board is to assist Normality Plus deliver quality relevant services by representing some of our main stakeholders. We have the board to help ensure that we are meeting the needs of our clients, their family and the community as a whole.


Position available for Normality Plus Client


As a client of Normality Plus I decided to join the advisory board to help ensure the clients are not forgotten about in the decision making processes of the organisation. I believe that by having input at the top level of the organisation I can help ensure that Normality Plus does not lose it's focus on being there for it's clients

Support Worker

Position Available for Normality Plus worker


As a support worker rep on this board, I am able to help the board keep in mind that for us support workers to do our job to the high standards required of us, and we like to give our clients, we need to be part of the process in creating an environment where we can do our job.

Family Member/Carer

Position available

As a family member of a person with a disability I thought that being a representative on this board would help ensure that the clients are being looked after as though they are family members.

Community Member


I am pleased to be invited to be a member of the Normality Plus advisory board. I hope some of my experience in the health area as an RN since the late 1970s and concurrently taking part in the provision of disability housing. To be involved in an organisation dedicated to providing optimal care and attracting staff who whose main interest is providing holistic care is very satisfying



I am pleased to be iinvited onto the advisory board of Normality Plus. My background as a CPA accountant and a licensed builder who has a disability housing company, Domos Omnes Homos (housing for everyone) leads me to believe I will be able to contribute to the smooth running and philosophy of Normality Plus.